Combining the interests of several blogs. The reviewer casts a critical eye over the world of blogging.
Your Toolbox
What can you do to pep up your blog and make it truely stunning?
At the very least a form of track back is a must...
The "Rules"!
- Rule #7: Don't bitch for no reason.
- Rule #6: Thou shalt understand how to use a blog before you mouth off at others.
- Rule #5: Thou shalt be honest and open.
- Rule #4: Thou shalt have something worth while to say.
- Rule #3: Mass blogs need users.
- Rule #2: Thou shalt insure your HTML is good.
- Rule #1: Thou shalt not use unreadable colour combos.

This is my blogchalk:
United Kingdom, Margate, Kent, English, Matt, Male, 26-30, Goth, Code.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Blogs of note

Link Swap.
For the time being it has been decided that reciprocation
links should go here. Use this email
link to request a swap. Links here are likely to be propagated
through to:
The New Elfwoodian Style Story & Art Archive.
We would be remiss if another blog by the review himself did not get previewed.
The New Elfwoodian Style Story & Art Archive.: "This is another offering from the mind of Matt the hat (waves the lone pink fluffy glove).
Here you can post stories without the need for any technical knowledge at all. With just a small amount of know how and a good web host you can post your art too.
The best bit is that you can recieve feed back from all who visit!"
MINUS: Low sign-ups and low activity.
PLUS: Good idea with a great story posted.
Rule #3 - Mass blogs need users.
Revisit: Yes
Layout: 2/10
Basic Template
Look and feel: 4/10
Basic design Job
Wit and amusement: 5/10
Skillfull story telling
commentary: NA
Extra: 0/10
nothing new
TOTAL: 27.5%
A poor effert by my own standards. I think it needs a re-do.
Dark Reign in the Reptile House
"No self respecting mopy goth should be without such useless bits of information such as this"
MINUS: Few visitors. For a team blog only one person has posted.
PLUS: The side bar is as interesting as the main posts
Revisit: Yes - This looks like something good starting here.
Layout: 5/10
Look and feel: 5/10
dull yet functional
Wit and amusement: 5/10
commentary: 8/10
The blog at least has something to say.
Extra: 6/10
Great use of quotes, interesting use of commenting and extra link and photo plugins from bravenet.
TOTAL: 58%
"Is that a tax cut in your pants, Governor Schwarzenegger, or are you happy to see me?" - the gropinator is a blog dedicated to dislikeing Arnold Schwarzenegger. It got dull very quickly.
MINUS: Unclick the tickbox before you try to use the commenting.
PLUS: This is gloriously free of comments from friends compelled to say mindlessly: "great site"
Rule #2: Thou shalt insure your HTML is good.
Revisit: unlikely.
Layout: 3/10
nothing special. Blogger template with minor changes
Look and feel: 4/10
dull yet functional
Wit and amusement: 1/10
commentary: 9/10
The blog has something to say.
Extra: 4/10
The dancing America-on-alert bananna is alternative.
TOTAL: 42%
a broken lull. :: the sky is falling
...and away we go with the first review and the randomly selected blog brings us a blogger who: likes "24" in -
a broken lull. :: the sky is falling: "my quick thoughts on it ::"
MINUS: These thoughts, quick or otherwise, are written for maximum clarity in a font the same colour as the background.
PLUS: gloriously free of comments from friends compelled to say mindless well dones
Rule #1: Thou shalt not use unreadable colour combos.
Revisit: Probably not.
Layout: 8/10
totally clear and neat, a little woolly around the links
Look and feel: 5/10
dull yet functional
Wit and amusement: 2/10
commentary: 8/10
The blog at least has something to say.
Extra: 1/10
nothing new (blogwise) here.
TOTAL: 48%